Researchers heads up! Final calls for Horizon 2020 funding scheme are being released. 

There may be some relevant (and final!) calls that are relevant to your field of research. To help in the process, we’ll continue to add relevant calls to the list below, divided by research area and deadline month.

**Keep in mind: the Enspire Science team offers a selection of consulting services. Begin with our free-of-charge “Go/No-Go” screening service to ensure your project concept is in line with the Horizon 2020 call and requirements.

Deadline: December

Research area: Biotech

The topics for these calls are:

Reprogrammed microorganisms for biological sensors (IA) > 

Multi-omics for genotype-phenotype associations (RIA) > 

Upcycling Bio Plastics of food and drinks packaging (RIA) >

Next generation organ-on-chip (RIA-LS) >

Biological scaffolds for tissue regeneration and repair (RIA) >