Enspire Science has a selection of consulting services that will help you during the pre-award and post-award phases of your funding journey.
Pre-Award Consulting Services

“Go/No-Go” service:
Start here!
This service evaluates whether your project’s core concept and profile are in line with the targeted grant.

Standard Review service:
This is the best pre-submission review for applicants. It is a single review which provides a detailed report about the way the project is presented.

Deep Dive Review service:
This is the most comprehensive service which consults the researcher through every single step of the grant-writing process – from idea to submission.

Personalized ERC Interview Preparation service:
An individual and entirely researcher – centric training, based on the applicant’s ERC proposal and the selected review panel(s).

Clinical Trials in Horizon Europe:
A customized service to prepare competitive Clinical Trials research proposals.

For Companies: Horizon Europe Scanning service
A customized service which helps companies discover the relevant Horizon Europe funding opportunities available to them.
Post-Award Services
Horizon Europe Professional Coordinator Service
Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Management Service
Horizon Europe Legal Review Service