The consortium agreement (CA) is a commercial agreement between the various members of the project consortium. Its main goal is to complement the GA by establishing specific terms and instructions for the consortium to operate and execute the project in a binding manner. The rationale behind it is that the consortium is not a legal entity, hence a legal framework should regulate the inner relations between the partners. This training covers all relevant CA aspects including management procedures, conflict resolution, IPR management, the unique case of Lump sum model implementation, and many other aspects. The CA is normally based on one of the freely available templates (e.g. DESCA) that each consortium should adjust according to its needs. Our training will analyse and walk you through the basics of the CA and how to use the templates. Despite the fact that these templates are excellent, there are plenty of best practices that we share, explain and help in customizing the CA for the specific needs of the client and/or the project, based on many years of experience and participation in many consortia.


This training service does not substitute official legal advice.

The budget in Horiozn Europe

Learn everything you need to know about budget planning and budget execution for your Horizon Europe project.

Read more about the course objectives and agenda

The budget in Horizon Europe projects

The topics of the course include:

  • General principles 
  • Costs eligibility
  • Actual costs model: 
    • Costs types
    • Personnel:
      • Pre-award personnel costs calculations
      • Post-award personnel costs calculations
    • Equipment depreciation costs
    • Other goods, works and services
    • Budget flexibility
  • Financial support to third parties
  • Internally invoiced goods
  • Subcontracting
  • Payments, financial reporting and audits
  • Lump sum model explained: 
    • How to prepare a lump sum detailed budget
    • Lump sum budget execution
    • Budget flexibility in Lump sum projects
    • The audit discrepancy
  • Budget utilization tips
  • Unit costs model
  • MSCA budget

*This course does not refer to the budget of ERC projects.

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