If you are considering to apply for a MSCA grant, we recommend to start with our free Go/No-Go service, which evaluates the suitability of your project, personal profile and track record in the context of the specific MSCA grant requirements.

This Go/No-Go service is relevant to the following types of MSCA grants:

  • Research networks (ITN): support for Innovative Training Networks
  • Individual fellowships (IF): support for experienced researchers undertaking mobility between countries

The free MSCA “Go/No-Go” service is in line with the distinct aspects of each MSCA grant, and serves as an initial “screening process”. We will alert in case we detect any show-stopper or major issues with the presented CV and project, to allow readjustments for a competitive proposal.

During the evaluation process, the Enspire Science team will cover and review the following  aspects of your potential project:

ITN: Eligibility check for all participating organisations; Assessing the project’s suitability for the ITN key evaluation criteria (namely novelty, training and supervision).
IF: Researcher’s eligibility check; Assessing the researcher’s profile based on the MSCA evaluation criteria; Assessing the project’s suitability for the IF fellowship (based on novelty, mobility, training and career development prospects).

The feedback provided will enable you to reach one very important conclusion about your research project at this point in time: is the project a go or no-go?

Please refer to our timeline and deadline policies to learn more about the best time for this service, and our deadline for accepting new applications.

Would you like to send us your project idea? Let us know below and we’ll send you our MSCA “Go/No-Go” template!

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