SFF Centres of Excellence scheme (CoE)

The SFF Centres of Excellence scheme (CoE) is a highly competitive basic-research national programme under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. The SFF programme is aimed at providing Norway’s best researchers the opportunity to facilitate their research in centres to reach ambitious scientific goals through collaboration and long-term basic funding. The research should be innovative and have major potential to generate ground-breaking results that advance the international research frontier. The centres should work with ambitious ideas and complex problems that require coordinated, long-term research activities within or across disciplines to achieve their goals.

Centres of Excellence funded under the SFF programme are long term research projects, which will be executed over the next 10 years. Each funded Center of Excellence will receive a total budget of approximately NOK 350 million (nearly EUR 40 million).

In the SFF IV (2015-2017), 10 Centres of Excellence were selected for funding out of 150 applications (The official announcement can be found here). We are proud of these excellent scientists and our work to support 6 out of these 10 selected SFF IV Centres of Excellence.

Independent projects (FRIPRO)

FRIPRO is an open, national competitive arena that covers all fields of research. It aims to promote scientific quality at the forefront of international research, boldness in scientific thinking and innovation, careers for young research talents and mobility for researchers early in their career.

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