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The B1 and B2 forms in the ERC application

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The purpose of this article is to shed light on the differences between the B1 and B2 forms in the ERC application. We will discuss the intended focus for each one of these forms, and what should be emphasized and elaborated in each section.


Background about the ERC application


The ERC application consists of 3 parts:


The ERC evaluation process includes a two-stage peer review process, where only the highest-ranking proposals in step 1 will pass to step 2. Both B1 and B2 are submitted together on the same deadline, however, they are reviewed according to the following process:


Now, with a clear understanding of the ERC review process, let’s move on to the following recommendations that can make for competitive ERC applications.


A deeper review of the B1 form

The B1 form ‘opens the gate’ to your application. After reading the B1 form, the panel members decide whether to pass your ERC application to the 2nd evaluation step. Therefore, this document is very important and cannot be taken lightly.


As discussed above, the B1 form consists of two segments: (1) The extended synopsis (section a); and (2) Curriculum vitae and Track Record (section b).


Let’s refer first to the PI profile, presented in sections b. Different from collaborative funding schemes and many other national grants, the ERC is an investigator-driven grant which focuses great attention on the PI’s excellence manifested by his/her background and experience in carrying through groundbreaking research. A lot of the review panel members’ decision rests on the PI’s profile, past achievements, previous research experience, and so on. Hence, it is of paramount importance to ensure that your profile is in line with the ERC expectations in this regard. For a more elaborate discussion on the PI profile for ERC, read our dedicated “ERC material” article.


The Extended Synopsis of your research project is a critical part of the B1. There is a 5-page limit for this section, which presents a great challenge in drafting a highly competitive and concise extended synopsis for your ambitious research project. Nonetheless, the Extended Synopsis must aim to include the following:

  1. Describe your project, while attending to all key ERC aspects, including the novelty, high-risk, high-gain, non-incremental, investigator-driven and (potentially) hypothesis-driven research project. All these aspects must be well reflected within the extended synopsis text.
  2. The scientific reasoning for your ambitious project must be well presented in the synopsis as well. Explain what is the state-of-the-art in the field, while highlighting the knowledge gaps that you are addressing. This should also lead to explaining the motivation and the project’s objectives, followed by the selected methodology.


The above elements are to be included in the B1 form of your ERC application. Further below, we’ll touch on some critical “Do’s and Don’ts” to keep in mind as well.


These guidelines contradict an existing urban myth that the extended synopsis should convey your research in general terms, while the B2 form should convey the project proposal in full detail. This is derived from the idea that the reviewers of the extended synopsis are ‘general’ reviewers, in comparison to the ‘experts’ that will evaluate the B2 form. This urban myth is inaccurate, incorrect and misleading, due to the following important points:

  1. The extended synopsis is evaluated by 3-4 selected panel members. While these panel members might not be experts in the very specific scientific niche of your research proposal, it is expected that they will be experts in the more general research field. Hence, they will certainly be able to review and evaluate your extended synopsis in a critical and relevant manner, suitable for the purpose of the 1st evaluation step.
  2. There is always an option that at least one of the selected panel members will actually be an expert in your field.
  3. In the 2nd evaluation step, the extended synopsis will also be evaluated by the external experts who are experts in your area of research specifically.


Given all the above, the biggest challenge in the extended synopsis is to craft a 5-page text that successfully addresses both types of reviewers – those from your specific research area, and the ones that come with a broader research background. Balancing both scientific depths with a broader explanation of your research can be very confusing, but this is the expected process for this section.


A deeper review of the B2 form

The B2 form is the main document that the external experts will review, in addition to the B1 form. In ERC, unlike many other grants, external experts are selected according to the specific nature of the project proposal. In some cases, experts can even be hired to review only a single proposal – your proposal, and they can be from anywhere in the world for that matter. Hence, you must write your B2 form with this information in mind, and draft the text as if you were presenting your research to your scientific peers or scientific advisors / experts in the specific field.


Being that the B2 form is the main research proposal, it should include a full project description. To achieve this, begin by addressing the state of the art and objectives, while elucidating both the scientific (potentially significant) knowledge gaps that your project addresses, as well as the chosen research approach. Next, the proposal should present the research methodology and a work plan.


The B2 form, similar to the B1 form, must convey the key ERC attributes, including the frontier-research nature of the application, novelty, high-risk, high-gain and non-incremental research. If applicable, it should present a hypothesis-driven research project at the level expected in ERC.


B1 and B2 forms – “Do’s and Don’ts”

Having highlighted the above key differences between the B1 and B2 forms, let’s now address more general “Do’s and Don’ts” for your ERC application.






The above details the key focus points for the B1 and B2 forms of the ERC application. This is an excellent starting point if you are considering to apply to this highly competitive grant. We advise you to read further in the internal links attached, as they provide additional and important information to be taken into account. If you have any questions, or would like our dedicated support as your head out on the ERC path, do not hesitate to contact us.

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