Dear Researcher,

We will soon begin working together towards ensuring your ERC 2019 Starting Grant (StG) application is structured and presented in a highly-competitive manner, while meeting both the written requirements and “unwritten rules” of ERC.

Below is the complete ERC 2019 Starting Grant (StG) Package, that includes all official ERC documents (including the official work programme, guidelines and templates) as well as additional information such as a list of FAQ’s about this service and a link to our vast knowledge-base.

Before we start, we would like to ask you to review the FAQ document, in order to ensure that our joint work and the service we provide is clear and efficient for your needs.
Once completed, please continue to reviewing the rest of the attached materials.

As always – should any questions come up, please do not hesitate to let us know.

ERC 2019 Starting Grant (StG) Package

ERC Frequently Asked Questions

ERC 2019 Work Programme

ERC 2019 Information for Applicants

ERC StG 2019 B1 Template

ERC StG 2019 B2 Template

ERC 2019 Host Institution Support Letter

Proposal Submission Service User Manual (official documentation by the European Commission)

Additionally – our team has put together a list of very helpful information relating to ERC grant. Please review it as well, as it could be of great help during your proposal development process: ERC Knowledge Base

If you have any questions – please contact us and we’ll be sure to help.

Good luck!

The Enspire Science Team